Hello. Welcome to Champions League Shirts, a web site dedicated to all things that revolve around soccer, its passion, its visual history and its fan apparel. It is here that you can immerse yourself in the culture of the current best European clubs or indulge in the nostalgia of the great teams of the past… all memorable and none forgotten.
On this site, we like to celebrate not just the great football achievements themselves, but also how they all looked when they happened. The best memories of the beautiful game are often tied to that shirt that your team was wearing at the time, the old scarf that still hangs in your closet, or that picture – perhaps with an autograph – that proudly hangs on your wall. Each one of us knows exactly what our team will look like when it hits the pitch this week and it’s the glimpse of the club’s shirt and its colours that makes our passions soar. It’s the image of our club’s logo that makes our hearts skip a beat! As such, we created this website to celebrate the visual history of football, focusing mainly on the UEFA Champions League, but also on the game itself. We hope you enjoy it and find what you are looking for here. So, welcome once again and wear your team shirts with pride! Show your colours!
It’s a beautiful game!